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Our 3yo Program - Wombat

Research shows that play-based learning is a powerful way to support children’s development. These benefits last into the school years and beyond.


The evidence also shows that 2 years are better than one when it comes to early learning.


A quality kindergarten program will have more of an impact for children who start at age 3 rather than 4. The benefits are even greater for children who are in vulnerable circumstances.


Children can not commence before they are 3 years of age. Enrolments will not be accepted after the completion of Term 2 (June 30th 2022)

Meet The Team

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Lateesha Hester

Early Childhood Teacher


Sonya Anu

Early Childhood Educator


Kerrie Sloper

Early Childhood Educator


Social / Emotional

Social and Emotional skills such as regulating emotions, sharing and following instructions are fundamental skills that lay foundation for developing literacy, numeracy and other cognitive abilities


Gross / Fine Motor

Gross and Fine Motor skills are essential for physical strength and movement. mastering both are important for a child's growth and independence. 


Sensory Discovery

Sensory Discovery promotes learning through curiosity, problem solving, exploration, and creativity. It is essential for building nerve connections in the brain to encourage development of language and motor skills.

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